What is Acupressure? The short answer is that it is acupuncture without needles. Therapists use their hands, as well as various instruments such as electro stimulation, beads, and gold pellets to stimulate the same acupoints used in acupuncture. Unlike acupuncture, the skin is not punctured and you do not have to remove your clothing. The touch varies with the form of acupressure, but is generally more gentle than reflexology or Tui Na.
Why do you teach clients to do Acupressure? We practice and teach acupressure because it involves more intimate contact between client and therapist than the usual Acupuncture as practiced in America where you are left lying alone with needles sticking into you. We also emphasize acupressure because we can teach you to stimulate the points YOURSELF which exponentially increases the body's response & the effectiveness of the treatment, because you are receiving stimulation often and regularly. It also shortens the length of the course of treatment and lessens the cost to you. We work together as a team to recreate your health and well being.
How many sessions do I need? We recommend at least three, and normally six weekly sessions for most clients, but we trust the client to co-create a treatment plan that suits their needs. After the initial intense period most people choose to return biweekly or monthly for tuneups. Some come when accidents or life events make it clear that they are ready to work on another level
Should I schedule a 90 minute session? A 90 minute session is recommended for the first treatment because we need to go over the intake information and set our goals for our work together. A 90 minute session is also recommended if you would like coaching in acupressure or lifestyle changes. Please note that the first consultation of 15 minutes on the phone is an inexpensive way to start
How can I learn more Acupressure? There are numerous classes offered on our website. We will happily teach a group interested in a certain subject. Call for more information on groups. You can also arrange a private Coaching session in which you will learn the point protocols relevant to your goals. You will always learn a few points if time allows in a Shen Jing session. If you want to learn more TELL ME & schedule a 90 minute session.
Is Acupressure as effective as Acupuncture? Yes, in most cases acupressure is just as effective as acupuncture.
Do I have to take off my clothes? No. Acupressure can be done over clothing. Please dress comfortably so you may relax. For session where essential oils are used, you may remove your socks to have them applied on your feet or you shirt to have them applied on your back.
When will I see results? Results vary person to person but they can be seen as early as immediately. Better results are achieved with regular use.
Why such a long history on the intake form? It is important to complete the intake form in its entirety. The more information we can gather about your health history lets us know how we can better serve you.
Can you help me stop smoking, using pain medication, abusing drugs or alcohol? We cannot stop you but we can support you in changing addictive behavior patterns. We help you uncover and treat the underlying issues for the addictive behavior but "quitting" is essentially up to you.
Is it safe? Are there contraindications? "Above all do no harm" is an vital part of our intention and one which we take very seriously. Everything that has the power to change vital functioning, has the potential to harm if misused or used at the wrong time or in the wrong way. Acupressure is incredibly forgiving. There are far fewer counterindications or precautions than there are in acupuncture or herbal medication, largely because it works rather subtly with the body's self regulatory and pain modulating mechanisms, rather than adding substances from outside or puncturing the skin with the possibility of injuring underlying tissue.
The main contraindications for Acupressure are:
Pregnancy: because a few points are very helpful in supporting or even inducing childbirth, they should not be used until it is time for the birth.
Age factors: More gentle pressure and fewer points are used on the very young and the very old because of their fragility
Serious disease: Cancer, Heart disease: In these cases acupressure is used under the supervision of your primary care or specialist physician
Pacemaker, Implants, vascular access devices: Care must be taken to avoid interfering with the functioning of these devices and should be undertaken with permission and supervision of your primary care physician
Broken Skin/surgical wounds: Acupressure involving direct contact with the skin should never be done over a fresh unhealed wound or burn until the skin is completely healed. Distant CHI Gung healing can however be done over wounds or bandages.
Post Prandial: Because the meridians pass through the vital organs it is best to wait an hour after a heavy meal before doing a full acupressure therapy session involving those meridians. It is however ok and in fact advisable to hold certain points to support digestion. Please plan your sessions so that you have had time to digest your major meals before being treated.
Do you give discocunts, payment plans or scholarships? Absolutely, Just ask. I never let money come in the way of a person getting the help that they need and I am always delighted to teach. I also barter&exchange, so just ask. We can always work something out