LOTUS MEDITATION: A simple method,one of many, to connect to our pure inner core of consciousness. Like the Lotus we can emerge from the muddy pool of ordinary everyday dualistic consciousness and experience our connection to pure consciousness itself, our True Self which is inviolate, not touched by our biology or biography, in a constant state of eternal infinite pure Beingness. It is here, where our individuation meets our unitary Source that we all meet- at Cause. It is here, in a moment of quiet reflection, that we can experience the peace, comfort and quiet bliss that we all seek-welcome
Simple instructions for Lotus meditation-
Our intention is to open the energy centers at various levels along our spine (chakras?) and to connect to the unitary source energy of the universe which is moving through us, as it moves through the lotuses and through all and everything-We access the Universal Source by accessing our own Core Consciousness symbolized by the Lotus.
Meditation is non sectarian- we are just celebrating our connection with all that is....
First of all I invite you to take your place between Heaven and Earth:
Erect the spine, Pleas feet flat on the ground or assume the Lotus Posture with crossed legs. Rest your tongue on top of your mouth, behind your top teeth We will use visualization because we understand that we can affect the energies i and around us through our attention and intention. This is an ancient Chinese principal-"CHI follows YI" Energy follows attention and intention.
Experience yourself sitting on and beneath big Lotus flowers (in your imagination), like a happy golden child, safe supported by the earth and open to heaven to receive . ...
Close your eyes slightly gently look inside
Start with your hands closed in front of breastbone, like a closed lotus bud,( the namaste gesture) Open the lotus bud with fingers parting in front of your heart and base of your hands touching. This is the open heart lotus gesture
Place hands open upwards on knees
Intend to open Lotuses on top of head, between eyes,at heart & below navel. Just see these areas opening like flowers to receive light and nurturing from heaven. ... Observe color of each lotus as it opens, they can change. Once all Lotus are open to receive:
Breath quietly: in and out be aware of the breath entering and leaving. ...
Next we will focus the mind using a phrase that we repeat silently sometimes called a mantra an affirmation or a prayer:
‘I am Lotus, Lotus am I’(repeat this or any other phrase which connects you to the Source or Core of all that is. .. silently)
Open to receive. ...for 10 or 30 minutes, with eyes closed, connecting. ... repeating your phrase. ... connecting, breathing gently, connecting to Core Consciousness- to Source.
After the silence we will close the meditation with the following important steps:
1. Gather ‘nectar of heaven,’ the saliva that appears in your mouth, and swallow 3 x. If it is clear, send it with intention to be stored beneath your Navel (the lower Dantien or Hara); if thick, intend to send it deep into the earth out of your feet to be recycled. ..(The area below the navel is the storehouse of your vital energy often depleted by our modern lifestyle connected in some ways to the adrenal glands)
2. Close each lotus, petal by petal, to form a bud, starting at the crown of your head and working downward to third eye, heart, navel and finally lotus upon which you are sitting. After closing each lotus, intend to concentrate and gather the vibrant colored Lotus CHI (accumulated energy) of each Lotus into the ‘HARA’ or sea of energy in the lower DanTien: the area below the navel. The collected energies melt and meld there and are stored as a resource for your wellbeing.
3.To contain the energy in your meridians, rub palms of hands together vigorously, to gather CHI. Wipe face, Tap gently to invigorate balance and clear energies in your head, neck, arms, chest, belly, hips, legs & feet. Tap downwards from head and neck to fingertips and from trunk to feet. Pull ears, rub kidneys in lower back to invigorate them.
4.Open your arms to gather CHI & store it in the ‘HARA’ or lower Dantien area, below navel, placing right hand first for women covered by left. Left hand first for men covered by right. Pause to "presence" being aware of yourself at this space/time moment.
5. Finally Greet Heaven, Earth, Source of all, Teachers and fellow students, by turning your attention to each with the open Lotus Hands gesture in front to your heart and bowing slightly.
Our Intention is to carry this deeply felt sense of connection support integrity, love and safety into our day as the backdrop of our everyday consciousness-a reference point of Unity to aid us in keeping a healthy perspective on our daily activities. ...I am that I am. I am Lotus Lotus am I, Om mani Padmi hum, La illaha il Allah. ..Ommm, Huummmm , Huuuuu ( I add these phrases to emphasize the universality of mankind"s search for peace and contentment which has manifested as many paths and solidified into many religions-the red thread that connects us is the simple fact that we come from and return to and are sustained by the same Source, whatever you call it.A rose by any other name is still a rose. ... The time has come for us to be united by our similarities and delighted by our differences so that we can dwell together in peace and love. I am delighted and inspired by the works of Dr. Karen Armstrong: http://charterforcompassion.org/ Fadhlalla Haeri: http://askonline.co.za/ Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz: http://abwoon.infosaic15.com/pdf/Scholarly/ReadingWisdom.pdf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8M6EqCPJMI This Lotus meditation is based on the teachings of Chinese Taoist master Wei Ling Yi. For more about the philosophy and intention behind the Lotus Way, please see: http://www.yixue.de/yixueEN.html